Born 5/13/17. Sire: HHF Daya R133 | Dam: HHF YKT P120. We were so fortunate to get this beautiful outcross bull in 2022 from our friends in Idaho. He is just what we were looking for! Long, solid, gentle and easy to work. Such a terrific all-round bull. We couldn't be happier with his temperament and offspring.
This year, we had the opportunity to get a number of his sisters, and another half brother. Suddenly we have a lot of the same lines, ones we have been working towards. However, we are not a large ranch and therefore will be offering this gorgeous guy to the amazing home he deserves.
His semen tested well with good viability and he has a high breeding rate with cows. One of the best bulls ever.

Yak For Sale
Firebird Herd
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